My June Goals ✨ – How Did I Get On?

June has been an interesting month for achieving my goals, as I’ve spent more time outside than anything else, catching the rays that seem to be emitting at quite a rate these days. It’s also been so busy work-wise, and I found out today that I got an interview for a new job, so will keep you updated on Twitter. See below for how I got on with my June goals.


Read the rest of my book.
I read a lot more of it, but didn’t finish it sadly so it’s definitely an action for me next month – I will get there! I like reading The Child but really want to have an early bedtime too.

Save more money. 
I have saved a good amount of money this month, even though I’ve now got a car to pay for and more driving lessons, so lots has gone out of my account. But I saved some, and that’s better than nothing!

Work towards passing my driving test.My test is in August so I hope to be ready in time and have a good chance of passing. I’m doing OK in my progress, getting 4&5’s / 5 in my little book that shows how I’m getting on. Wish me luck!

Have more time off social media.
I’m pretty sure I’ve achieved this, and turning off all of my notifications has helped my mental health so much (a post is coming about that soon). I spent more time with my family and not looking at screens whilst already watching TV.

I hope you’ve had a great June and you’re looking forward to July. See you at the beginning of July for my July Goals.

A K Jones


  1. Best of luck with your driving test! I’d absolutely hate to do mine again, it took me 3 times to pass haha! I always want to spend more time off social media, definitely easier said than done.Jenny


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